Electromagnetic radiations generated by cellular telephony radio bases stations in Brazil: A contribution to urban health

De:"ICUH 2008 - Programme Committee" icuh2008@abstractserver.com


Data:7 Jul 2008 22:18:43 +0200

Assunto:ICUH 2008 - Notification

Dear Adilza Dode:

On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the 7th International Conference on Urban Health - Knowledge Integration: Successful Interventions in Urban Health, we are pleased to confirm your participation as an Oral Presenter for the conference, Wednesday, October 29 to Friday, October 31, 2008 at The Westin Bayshore Resort & Marina in Vancouver, BC.

Your abstract number A-095-0012-00663 entitled;

"Electromagnetic radiations generated by cellular telephony radio base stations in Brazil: A contribution to urban health",

has been selected for a Poster Session. Once we have received confirmation of your participation, we will forward your Poster Presentation Guidelines in August outlining all necessary details. Please ensure you read these guidelines carefully before preparing your poster. After you have checked in on-site, set/remove your poster as per the Poster Presentation Guidelines. The timing details of your presentation are given below.

Date: 31.10.2008

Time: 07:30-09:00


We ask that you kindly confirm your attendance for your abstract to be included in the conference as soon as you receive this e-mail. We encourage you to respond within 5 days so that we may proceed with planning. You may confirm by simply clicking on the following link and follow instructions to indicate that you intend to present, as indicated above:


You must be registered for the conference in order to present. You can register on-line at: http://www.icuh2008.com/registration_info.htm

Qualified Student presenters should register under the Student Conference Role.

Please note: Registration and payment must be received by Monday, July 28, 2008 in order to ensure your participation and receive the early-bird registration rate.


The meeting is not responsible for any expenses related to your participation. To book your hotel accommodation, please click on the following:


Fall is an extremely popular time to visit Vancouver. We urge you to make your hotel reservations TODAY.

We hope that you are able to accept this invitation and look forward to your participation in the conference. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Leigh-Anne Higgs at the Conference Secretariat. She can be reached at (604) 661-4901, fax (604) 685-3521 or email at leighanneh@advance-group.com.

Best Regards,

ICUH 2008 Scientific Organizing Committee